
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Insanity vs. INTENSITY!!

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     Is your approach to fitness filled with Intensity or Insanity?  Are you working hard or smart?  Are you more invested in quantity or quality?
     Webster defines Insanity as a "deranged state of mind", "something utterly foolish or unreasonable", "such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding".  If you work out in a public gym, you know exactly what I'm referring too...the "muscle head" attempting to lift a ton of weight by barely completing a mere portion of a rep, or the girl more focused on her wardrobe than her workout, or the one doing what appears to be a barbell bicep curl turned full body experience?  This is INSANE!!  

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     Likewise, Webster defines Intensity as "the quality or state of being intense";  which is to say "marked by or expressive of zeal, energy, determination or concentration".  These are the Olympic Athletes, the "Master" Trainers, the ones who look and feel young and vibrant!  
     What is the difference?  Knowledge?  Time?  Focus?  YES!!  Getting results does NOT require long hours in a gym, or miles on a track.  Being healthy does not come from fasting or radical eating plans.  It DOES, however, come with Commitment, Focus and Dedication!!  I can teach you how to maximize your efforts, but this is only effective once you choose to shift your mindset from Insanity to Intensity!!  Let today be the day you COMMIT 2 LIV FIT!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Get Your Plate in Shape!!

Happy National Nutrition Month - March 2012
What's that on your plate?  March Challenge:  Pay attention to what you're consuming!  Notice how often you are eating and/or drinking.  Notice the quantity/portion size you consume.  Notice the food quality/source, and begin to consider the costs.  As we grow into Spring, it is an excellent time to evaluate your plate so you can make Intentional Choices that will support your goals for health!!  It is my experience that Change comes when we get real...be honest in your evaluations!  The intent of this challenge is to raise your awareness about what you're currently consuming on a daily basis - without guilt or condemnation!  There is power in boldly, honestly considering if our actions are producing the desired results!  On our "Clients Only" tab; you will find a link to a powerful online tool designed to assist you in tracking your nutrition consumption -  FitDay!  Be encouraged as you take new steps towards a more Intentional Nutrition Plan - "Commit 2 B Fit"!! 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap N2 Fitness SPECIAL!!

Leap N2 Fitness Special!!

Family & Friend Plan
    $180.00 First Month
  No Initial Consultation Fee
(This also reflects a 10% Discount on Monthly Fee)

**When you sign up with a Friend or Family Member, we will waive the Initial Consultation Fee and give you a 10% Discount off the First Month's Plans!!  Get FIT 2GETHER!!

Monday, February 20, 2012


     Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?  Are you Living Life to the fullest, or do you barely get through your day awake?  Do you desire health and wellness, however, don't know what changes to make?  I am committed to assisting you in setting healthy, attainable goals for your overall Health and Wellness as we consider the Powerful Connection between the Body, Soul and Spirit!!  Join me in the Life Changing Journey that is guaranteed to Challenge, Inspire, Empower and Equip you so that you can be FIT2LIV!!