"Remember this day, men, for it will be yours for all time!"
- Spartan King Leonidas
Why do we Celebrate Heroes and Heroines? Because they Rise Up, often times against All odds? Could it be that we are inspired by their demonstrations of Character - Courage - Commitment??!! Heroes create their world, while Victims allow life to happen to them and then complain about it. You have everything already in you to Be the Hero/Heroine in your story! You are Able!! You are Worthy!! You are Enough!!
When we consider our health, sometimes heroic decisions get to be made moment by moment...Drink more water, less soda...Eat for Nutrition, not Emotion...Get plenty of good rest...Walk away from toxic relationships...Exercise your body!! Start NOW, right where you are, and Rise Up!! Demonstrate Commitment, Courage and Character in EVERY choice you make!! Choose to LIV EPIC!!